
7 August 2021


How to Write Screenplay | 2021

The screenplay is the written and drawn form of the story.

While developing a screenplay the story will come into a structure.

When you create this, you can find the necessary and unnecessary scenes in story.


How to Write Screenplay


4 August 2021


Post-Production | 2021

During post-production, your movie will be improved.

If you are good at filmmaking, you will be able to correct the mistakes that occurred during the shooting stage.

Steps involve,

Cut: In the first step, recorded footage will be organized and move to a rough cut.

31 July 2021


4 Steps that make your film best | 2021

Production is a process of shooting (recording footage) follow by script what you planned in pre-production.

This is the process that you turn your script into frames and make sure your frames are similar to your visual taste.

Key Points

·        Framing: Make sure you don’t cut out anything important, 

and don’t include anything distracting or confusing on the spot.

27 July 2021

This one mistake that affect your project | 2021

Pre-production is an early stage of any project, including music videos, short films, and feature films.

Many of the beginners not giving that much importance to pre-production. It is the main mistake done by them.

Let discuss, 

26 July 2021

 Beginners can make a best film – Ways |2021

Making a film, short film and video songs will show your talent and creativity. It is one of the way to show your thoughts to audience.

Sometimes it will leads you to get fame

How to Make a Film